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We would love to have you as a member of NADP! To discover the best option for you, please review our membership levels:


Are you a Broker, Agent, Attorney;  or other provider of services or products for the mortgage default services industry? Including, but not limited to: appraisers, title/escrow professionals, foreclosure trustees, property managers, field and preservation professionals, receivers, auction companies, fiduciary groups, insurers, governmental bodies, and technology professionals. 


Default/REO Management

Any individual who is an employee of an institution, where that employee's primary role is the servicing of defaulted real estate loans and/or those who control and direct the management and disposition of Real Estate Owned Properties. 


Corporate Partner

For companies that could benefit from a discount on multiple memberships, as well as advertising opportunities. Advertising package includes webinars, newsletters, social media, Annual Summit, and more!

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All applicants must provide evidence to verify they qualify for the member category selected.

The NADP® membership committee screens all applications to determine if the applicant meets NADP®’s rigorous qualification standards. The applications meeting those standards are then submitted to the NADP Board of Directors for final approval.

For more information about NADP® membership, please contact the NADP® office at 850-480-7332 or

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